Jerry Heade's retirement dream includes converting the underutilized space in his Portland house into rental units. Fred Meyer's former pharmacist will soon be able to lock his front door and enjoy months of travel without having to leave his property empty.
His tenant enters and exits a se
St. Paul, Minnesota—Whether you like it or hate it, winter is coming, but I think we all agree on one thing, heating is not cheap.
Heating bills will soar at this time of the year, and this year’s supply chain problems and rising oil prices will be even worse.
The US Energy Inform
Author: Briglinhall | Published 10:02 June 30, 2021
Don't be fooled by this seemingly harmless name: kissing bugs, also known as assassin bugs, carry diseases that affect humans when bitten and scratched, allowing bacteria to enter the skin. Although these bugs help by eating other insects
Austin, Texas-For residents of central Texas who live near hackberry trees, this time of year can cause you trouble.
In the fall, according to Wizzie Brown, an entomologist for the Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Project, tiny insects measuring about 3/16 inches appear from the trees where
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ALDI sells the suction drain for £1.99, which can save you up to £20 per year in energy costs.
This supermarket has six different types of bargain eliminators that can reduce the amount of heat escaping from your home.
By keeping the heat inside, you don't need to set the thermost
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Keeping warm air in and cold air out is the first step in creating a warm an
York, Maine-This winter, Mainers will see an increase in the rate they pay for household electricity, and in some cases a considerable increase. This is also how York EcoHomes member Fred Weston shared about how to weather your house to gain One of the reasons for the best sunshine technique.
Carly Stagg Digital Producer
"Peeling" clean exercise equipment in a mixture of tides, borax and laundry soda will release build-up layers, body oils and skin cells. (Amber barrel)
Calgary-where quarantine related to the pandemic has allowed Cana
Backup power and solid air filters are just a few ways to prepare your home for wildfire smoke.
As wildfires spread in the Pacific Northwest, residents need to prepare for the smog in themselves and their homes.
In this case, people usually use filter masks, but it is important to use